

The Classics of Jazz and Gypsy Jazz Guitar

Songs in Our Courses and Membership Plans

Welcome to a treasure trove of nearly 70 songs and courses, each crafted to bring the timeless sounds of Jazz and Gypsy Jazz to your fingers. With so much music and so many lessons, finding the right path can feel overwhelming. The table below organizes our courses and memberships around songs, helping you easily locate the lessons that match your musical passion.

Song NameApears in Course Monthly 3-Month AnnualCoaching
Django's CastleThe Pleasure of BalladsVVVV
Kali SaraThe Pleasure of BalladsVVVV
NuagesThe Pleasure of BalladsVVVV
TearsThe Pleasure of BalladsVVVV
The 12 Bar BluesBlues, the Ticket to JazzVVVV
C-Jam BluesBlues, the Ticket to JazzVVVV
Sunny Moon for TwoBlues, the Ticket to JazzVVVV
AvalonMelody MasteryVVVV
When Day is DoneMelody MasteryVVVV
I'll See You In My DreamsI'll See You in My DreamsVVVV
Dark EyesThe Secrets of Gypsy Jazz GuitarVVVV
Gin Gin (Chez Jacquet)Django Reinhardt's Waltz - Gin Gin (Chez Jacquet)VVVV
J'attendraiThe Magic of TriadsVVVV
Swing GitanThe Magic of TriadsVVVV
Rose RoomThe Magic of TriadsVVVV
Minor SwingThe Magic of TriadsVVVV
Minor Blues (Improvisation only)The Magic of TriadsVVVV
Sweet Georgia Brown (Improvisation Only)Classical Games for ImprovisationVVVV
Bossa Dorado (Improvisation only)The Ultimate Gypsy RunVVVV
Archtop Blues (Accompaniment only)La PompeVVVV
Minor Blues (Accompaniment only)La PompeVVVV
Autumn Leaves (Improvisation only)Classical Games for ImprovisationVVVV
Coquette (Improvisation only)Classical Games for ImprovisationVVVV
All of MeAll of MeXVVV
The Sheik of ArabyThe Sheik of ArabyXVVV
Tu DjaialTu DjaialXXVV
Lulu SwingLulu SwingXXVV
I Can't Give You Anything But LoveI Can't Give You Anything But LoveXXVV
Joseph JosephThe Ultimate GJ Picking MasterclassXXXV
Dinah (Improvisation only)The Ultimate GJ Picking MasterclassXXXV
China Boy The Ultimate GJ Picking MasterclassXXXV
After You've GoneThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
AnoumanThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
Douce AmbianceThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
Honeysuckle RoseThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
BrazilThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
Clair de LuneThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
CoquetteThe Wild Cards Gypsy Jazz Song CollectionXXXV
Tchavolo SwingCoaching SpaceXXXV
Autumn Leaves (Entire Song)Coaching SpaceXXXV
All the Things You AreCoaching SpaceXXXV
BabyCoaching SpaceXXXV
Blue MonkCoaching SpaceXXXV
C'est Si BonCoaching SpaceXXXV
My Little Suede ShoesCoaching SpaceXXXV
Sweet SueCoaching SpaceXXXV
I'm Confessin' that I Love YouCoaching SpaceXXXV
Django's TigerCoaching SpaceXXXV
La GitanaCoaching SpaceXXXV
La Vie En RoseCoaching SpaceXXXV
UnDecidedCoaching SpaceXXXV
Limehouse BluesCoaching SpaceXXXV
Melodie au Crepuscule (Love's Melody)Coaching SpaceXXXV
CaravanCoaching SpaceXXXV
DjangologyCoaching SpaceXXXV
Que Reste T'il de Nos AmoursCoaching SpaceXXXV
September SongCoaching SpaceXXXV
StardustCoaching SpaceXXXV
Billet DouxCoaching SpaceXXXV
Troublant BoleroCoaching SpaceXXXV
I Got RhythmCoaching SpaceXXXV
This Kind of FriendCoaching SpaceXXXV
MicroCoaching SpaceXXXV
BabikCoaching SpaceXXXV
Double Scotch (Double Whisky)Coaching SpaceXXXV
When the Saints go Marching inCoaching SpaceXXXV